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IEditingCapabilityProvider interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core.EditingCapabilities


The underlying interface of the provider.

Affiliation area

EditingCapabilityAPIs to access EditingCapability.


IModelEditorSelectionProviderEditor selection provider.
If you want to customize the sub-editor inspectors that can be displayed for your model, register an implementation object of this interface in the registry.
IModelInitializationProviderThe model instance initialization provider.
If you want to customize the instance initialization of your model, register an implementation object of this interface in the registry.
IModelReferenceProviderThe model association provider.
If you want to customize what to select when associating models and whether or not to associate them, register the implementation object of this interface in the registry.
IModelCreationProviderThe model creation provider.
If you want to customize what is selected when creating a model, register an implementation object of this interface in the registry.