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IEditingCapabilityProviderRegistry interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core.EditingCapabilities


This is a registry of providers that provide editing support.

  • This registry has the same life cycle as the project.

Area you belong to

EditingCapabilityA group of APIs to access EditingCapability.


Register<TInterface>Register the provider.

・TInterface specifies the type of provider to be registered.
・Multiple providers can be registered.
・If multiple providers of the same type are registered, the providers will be executed in the order of registration.
- If the execution result of a provider is not null, that provider's result is adopted and subsequent providers are not executed.
・If the results of all providers are null, perform the default action.
UnRegister<TInterface>Unregister a provider.

・TInterface specifies the type of provider to be unregistered.
UnRegisterAllUnregister all providers.