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IErrors interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Provides access to model validation error information.
Error information is registered to IModel.

Affiliation area

Search/error/outputA group of APIs to access error information, search results, and the output window.


AllErrorsA collection of all error information
Returns an empty collection if there are no error registrations.
ErrorsError information whose error type is error
If there is no corresponding error, an empty collection is returned.
InformationsError information whose error type is information
If there is no applicable error, an empty collection is returned.
SummariesError information whose error type is summary
If there is no corresponding error, an empty collection is returned.
WarningsError information whose error type is warning
If there is no corresponding error, an empty collection is returned.


AddErrorsAdds the specified error information to the model.
ClearErrorsClears all error information.
ClearErrorsAtClears all error information for the specified model.
FindErrorByCategoryFinds error information for the specified category.
The error information in the search results also includes summary information.
Returns an empty collection if there is no applicable error information.
FindErrorOfModelByCategoryFinds error information for the specified category of the given model.
The error information in the search results also includes summary information.
Returns an empty collection if there is no applicable error information.
RemoveErrorRemoves the specified error information.
Nothing will be done if error information that has already been deleted is specified.
RemoveErrorsRemove all specified error information.
Ignores error information that has already been deleted.