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IExecutionSpecification interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


An access object to execution specification information.

Affiliation area

Interaction modelA group of APIs to access the interaction model.

Inherit Base

IInteractionElementAccess object to interaction model element information.
Defines common characteristics for elements that represent interactions.
IMessagePortIs an access object to the connection destination element information of the message.
Defines common characteristics for message destination elements.


ActivateMessageActivation message received by this execution spec
Returns null if no activation message exists.

Returns the messages received by the origin on which this execution specification is activated.
If there is a startup message, this message becomes the first element of ReceiveMessages.
Please note that the first element of ReceiveMessages is not necessarily the startup message.
Since there is no startup message in the execution specification that is the starting point of the sequence, the first element of ReceiveMessages
may not be the startup message.
IsDestructionIs this execution specification a discard section? increase.
If the start message is not a discard message or if there is no start message, it will not be a discard interval.
In an interaction, it is not possible to add an execution specification (receive a message) after the discard section in the same lifeline.
This property can be used when checking whether messages can be added after this execution specification when changing the interaction model.
IsInitializationIs this execution specification an initialization section? identify.
If the startup message is not a generated message or there is no startup message, it will not be an initialization section.
In an interaction, it is not possible to add an execution specification (receive a message) before the initialization section in the same lifeline.
This property can be used when checking whether a message can be added before this execution specification when changing the interaction model.
LifelineThe lifeline that holds this execution specification
ReplyMessageReply message sent by this execution spec
Returns null if there is no reply message.

Returns the response message sent by the endpoint this execution specification activates.
If there is a response message, this message becomes the last element of SendMessages.
Please note that the last element of SendMessages is not necessarily the response message.