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IFeatureModel interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


This is an access object for the management model that structures the characteristics of the product (features).

Affiliation area

ProductlineA group of APIs to access the productline model.

Inherit Base

IModelProvides access to NextDesign design model information.


AllFeaturesList of all features held under this model
RootFeaturesList of features that are the base point of the feature tree


AddFeatureConstraintAdds a constraint relationship of the specified type between the specified features.
AddNewFeatureAdds a new base feature.
AddNewFeatureAtAdds a new feature as a child element of the specified feature.
GetFeatureGets the feature with the given name from all features maintained under this model.
Returns null if no such feature exists.
GetFeatureConstraintGets the constraint relationship of the specified type between the specified features.
RemoveFeatureRemoves the specified feature.
If the feature to be deleted has child features, delete all of them.
RemoveFeatureByNameRemoves the feature with the given name.
If the feature to be deleted has child features, delete all of them.
RemoveFeatureConstraintRemoves a constraint relationship of the specified type between the specified features.