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IInfoEntry interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


This is an access object to common information of error information/search result information.

Affiliation area

Search/error/outputAPIs for accessing error information, search results, and the output window.


ISearchResultEntryIs an access object to search result information.
The value of Model and Field can be obtained only when the search target is a model.
IErrorError information from model validation.


DetailMessageDetailed message
DisplayStyleNameStyle name
(If omitted, the default style is applied by the application)
FieldsFields for error/search, separated by commas if multiple fields
IndexError/index of field to search for
ModelError/Result Model
NavigatingEditorEditor recommended to check the corresponding error
(If omitted, it will be the default behavior determined by the application)
NavigatingViewNameView definition name for which it is recommended to check the corresponding error
(If omitted, if a view definition that does not exist is specified, the default behavior specified by the application will be used)
TagsTags. Returns an empty enum if the
tag has not been set.
TypeType of error information/search result information.

In case of error, get the error type specified when registering the error.
- "Information" : Information
- "Warning" : Warning
- "Error" : Error
- "Summary" : Summary

Search results If , get any search type specified at the time of search.


GetTag(string)Gets the specified tag. Returns null if the tag does not exist.
GetTag(string)Gets a tag by type. Returns the default for the specified type if the tag does not exist.
HasTagVerifies if the specified tag exists.
RemoveTagRemoves the specified tag.
If you specify a tag that has already been deleted, nothing will be done.
SetTagSets the specified tag.