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IProduct interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Access object for product information.

Affiliation area

ProductlineA group of APIs to access the productline model.

Inherit Base

IModelProvides access to NextDesign design model information.


SelectedFeaturesList of selected features in this product
The order of the collection of selected elements is arbitrary.


DeselectFeatureDeselects the specified feature.
Returns True if the selection state could be set.
DeselectFeatureByNameDeselects the feature with the given name.
Returns True if the selection state could be set.
DeselectFeaturesDeselects all specified features.
Returns True if the selection state could be set.
DeselectFeaturesByNameDeselects all features with the given name.
Returns True if the selection state could be set.
SelectFeatureSelects the specified feature.
Returns True if the selection state could be set.
SelectFeatureByNameSelects the feature with the given name.
Returns True if the selection state could be set.
SelectFeaturesSelects all specified features.
Returns True if the selection state could be set.
SelectFeaturesByNameSelects all features with the given name.
Returns True if the selection state could be set.