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IProductLineModel interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


This is an access object for the product line development support model.

Affiliation area

ProductlineA group of APIs to access the productline model.

Inherit Base

IModelProvides access to NextDesign design model information.


ConfigurationModelConfiguration model
CurrentProductProduct currently in applied state.
Returns null if there is no applicable product (150% model display).
FeatureModelsList of Feature Models
ProductAppliedStateCurrent product applied state.
Returns one of the following status strings:
- SpecifiedProduct : Applying any product. The product being applied can be obtained with CurrentProduct.
- Master : No product applicable (150% model display). CurrentProduct returns null in this state.


AddNewFeatureModelAdds a new feature model.
ApplyProductApplies the specified product.
If you change the feature model structure or the product application conditional expression after applying the product, calling this method will recalculate the product application result.
ApplyProductByApplies the product with the given name and sets it as the current product.
ExportAppliedProjectExports the project with the specified product applied to the specified path.
The exported project will be in the following state.
- The profile is the same as the export source
- Only valid model elements and editors exist for the specified product
- No product line models (feature models, configuration models)
/>- no unit split
RemoveFeatureModelRemoves the specified feature model.
RemoveFeatureModelByNameRemoves the feature model with the given name.