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IProjectUnitManager interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


A physical file configuration management object for a project.

Affiliation area

Workspace projectA set of APIs to access the workspace of the application and the projects opened in the application.


ModelUnitsModel unit information managed by this project.
Returns an empty collection if there are no administrative units for the project.
Project units not included.
ProjectUnitUnit (physical file) information for this project.
Returns null if the project has not been saved.


AddExternalUnitsRegisters the specified file as a model unit.
ExportModelUnitExports the specified model unit at the specified file path.
ExportModelUnitsExports all specified model units to the specified folder path.
The file name of the export destination will be the same as the original unit file name.
ImportModelUnitsImports the specified file as model units.
SplitModelUnitSplits the given model into unit files with the given names.
SplitModelUnitsSplits all specified models into unit files.
For the file name of the divided unit file, the unique file name is automatically determined using the model name.
UnifyModelUnitUnifies the specified unit into the parent unit.
The parent unit of the integration destination will be the unit that stores the parent element in the model structure for the base element of the specified unit.
UnifyModelUnitsUnifies all specified units into the parent unit.