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IRelationship interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


An access object to related information.

Affiliation area

ModelAPIs to access the model.

Inherit Base

IModelProvides access to NextDesign design model information.


IsDerivationDerivation relation

Note) Derivation relation and relation end object
Derivation relation is defined as relation from derivation destination to derivation source will be
So, note that the Source object in the derivation association represents the destination and the Target object represents the origin.
IsEmbeddedIs owned related
IsReferenceIs Reference Related
IsTwoWayIs a two-way association
SourceRelationship source side association end object
SourceFieldThe association end field for the origin.
This field will be the field of the destination object.
SourceIndexindex in the association end field for the origin
TargetRelationship destination association end object
TargetFieldAssociation end field for the association.
This field will be the field of the origin object.
TargetIndexIndex in the relationship end field to the relationship destination
If the relationship is unidirectional, the index value is not saved, so reloading the project may change the index value .


RelateReplaces the relation end of this relation with the specified model.
This method does not check path constraints and multiplicity constraints.
UnRelateUnrelate by this relation and delete this relation.
Do nothing if this method is called on an association that has already been deleted.

Note that this method cannot be performed on owned associations.
Edit modelEdit various model information of NextDesign through API.