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ISearch interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Provides access to search services.
The current version of the application allows only one search processing process.
Therefore, it is an error to call BeginSearch while IsSearching returns True.

Affiliation area

Search/error/outputA group of APIs to access error information, search results, and the output window.


IsSearchCanceledChecks if a cancellation request has been issued for the current search.
Returns True if cancellation is requested.
IsSearchingChecks if searching is in progress.
Returns True if the search processing process is running.
NameSearch name
SearchTargetsCollection of search target models
ShowTotalCountWhether to display the stacked value of search results
TypeSearch type


AddSearchResult(IModel,string,string)Register the search result.

If the search target is a model in particular, you can use this interface to add field information that hits the search conditions.
AddSearchResult(object,string)Register the search result.

If information other than the model is handled as search results, it can be registered using this method.
AddSearchTargetAdd a search target.
Search target information is displayed in the search result window, editor, navigator, etc.
BeginSearchRequests to start a search.
CancelSearchRequests to cancel the search.
Registration of search results will be ignored after cancellation is requested.
ClearSearchResultClears the current search results.
ClearSearchTargetClears the search target.
EndSearchRequests end of search.
Finishes the currently running search process and commits the search results.
Confirmed search results will be available in the search results list.