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EventParams interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Base class for event parameters.

Inherit Base

IEventParamsInterface for event parameters.


EditorSelectionChangedEventParamsThe parameters for the in-editor model selection event.
ConsumableEventParamsBase class for event consumable event parameters.
CancelableEventParamsBase class for cancelable event parameters.
ModelOnErrorEventParamsThe parameters for the Add Model Error event.
InformationOnShowEventParamsParameters for the page show event in the info window.
NavigatorOnHideEventParamsThe parameters for the navigator hide event.
EditorOnHideEventParamsThe parameters for the editor hide event.
InformationOnHideEventParamsThe parameters for the information window page hide event.
ModelOnValidateEventParamsThe parameters for the model validation event.
ProjectAfterReloadEventParamsThe parameters for the after project reload event.
ModelUndoRedoEventParamsThe parameters for the undo/redo event.
Notifies all model information for which some changes have occurred due to undo/redo operations.
AfterStartEventParamsThe parameters for the
EditorOnShowEventParamsThe parameters for the editor show event.
InformationSelectionChangedEventParamsThe parameters for the information window page display element selection event.
NavigatorOnShowEventParamsThe parameters for the Navigator show event.
ProjectAfterSaveEventParamsThe parameters for the after project save event.
ModelSelectionChangedEventParamsParameters for the model selection changed event.
ProjectAfterOpenEventParamsThe parameters for the after project open event.
PageAfterChangeEventParamsThe parameters for the page after change event.
ModelEditedEventParamsThe parameters for the model modified event.
You will be notified of all model information where any change occurred in one edit operation.
NavigatorSelectionChangedEventParamsThe parameters for the model selection event in the navigator.
ProjectAfterNewEventParamsThe parameters for the after project creation event.
ProjectAfterCloseEventParamsThe parameters for the after project close event.
ProjectAfterModelUnitLoadEventParamsAdditional post-load event parameters.


GetDefaultEventNameGets the event name corresponding to the event parameter.