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IApplication interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Shared variables given to the extension execution environment.
Scripts can access various information about the application through these variables.

Belonging area

GlobalA set of APIs to access the extension execution environment and execution status.


CommandsCommand manager
CustomUIA registry for custom user interface extensions.
DiffDifference extraction object
EditionIdEdition identification name
EditionShortNameEdition short name
EnvApplication execution environment
ErrorsError list
ExtensionsExtension management
FileUtilFile operation utility object
ResourcesResource manipulation utilities
SearchSearch manager
UtilGeneral utility objects
VersionApplication version number
WindowWorkspace window UI manipulation objects


CreateCommandParamsCreate command parameters.
CreateScriptParamsCreate script parameters.
CreateSearch[Obsolete] Creates a search object.
ExecuteCommandExecutes the command with the specified identifier.
ExecuteScriptLoads and executes the specified script file.
ExecuteScriptCodeExecutes the given script code.
GetFeatureValueGets the specified key (attribute) value of the specified feature in the current edition.
The value can be obtained regardless of whether the specified feature is enabled or disabled.

Note that if the specified feature is not found, the value returns null.
Note that if the specified feature key name is not found, the value returns null.
IsFeatureEnabledChecks whether the specified feature is enabled in the current edition.
QuitQuits the application.
RestartRequests the application to be restarted.
If a project is open when the restart is requested, the same project will be opened after the restart.
If the restart fails, it returns false.
ThrowUserExceptionThrows a user exception.
You can use this method to explicitly notify an exception in the extension's runtime exception handling.
Shared variablesShared variables given to the extension execution environment.
Through these variables, your scripts can access various information about your application.