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IContext interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


When running an extension, it is given a context.
Extension implementations can refer to shared variables and running extension configuration information through this context.

Affiliation area

globalA group of APIs that access the execution environment and execution state of the extension.


IEventContextProvides access to an event's execution context.
ICommandContextProvides the execution context for the command.


AppShared variables in the extension execution environment
Application[Obsolete] Extension execution environment shared variables
ContextOptionContext Options
Option definition for the duration this context is valid
ExtensionInfoCurrently active extension information


GetPropertiesGets a list of properties.
GetPropertyGets the property value for the specified distinguished name.
Returns null if no such distinguished name exists.
GetPropertyNamesGets a list of property distinguished names.
GetResourceStringGets the string for the specified resource key.
Resources locates and searches resource files for extensions enabled in this context, with the following priorities:
1. Current application execution language
2. Japanese resources
3. Other first found language resources

Note that the corresponding resource key is If it does not exist, it will not be identified as a resource key and the specified key will be returned as-is.
Also, if null or an empty string is specified for the resource key, an empty string will be returned.
GetResourceString1Gets the string for the specified resource key.
At this time, the substitute child "0" defined in the resource string is replaced with the string representation of param1 specified in the argument and returned.
Replacement of resource parameters conforms to C#'s String.Format.
For details on how to identify the resource string and how to specify the resource key, see GetResourceString().
GetResourceString2Gets the string for the specified resource key.
At this time, the replacers "0,1" defined in the resource string are replaced with the string representations of param1 and param2 respectively specified by the arguments and returned.
Replacement of resource parameters conforms to C#'s String.Format.
For details on how to identify the resource string and how to specify the resource key, see GetResourceString().
GetResourceString3Gets the string for the specified resource key.
At this time, the replacers "0,1,2" defined in the resource string are replaced with the string representations of param1, param2, and param3 respectively specified by the arguments and returned.
Replacement of resource parameters conforms to C#'s String.Format.
For details on how to identify the resource string and how to specify the resource key, see GetResourceString().
HasPropertyChecks for a property value with the specified Distinguished Name.
Returns True if there is a property value with the specified distinguished name.
RemovePropertyRemoves the property value with the given identifier name.
If there is no property value for that Distinguished Name, nothing is done.
SetPropertySets the property value for the given Distinguished Name.
If given a distinguished name that already exists, update the property value with the given value.