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IContextOption interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


This is the option definition information while the context is valid.
Records changes to various API call results (API behavior) and temporary configuration information that affects API behavior.

Affiliation area

globalA group of APIs that access the execution environment and execution state of the extension.


EditorAccessModeBehavior of the editor information acquisition/search API while the context is valid
You can change the behavior of the editor information acquisition/search API.
PlModelAccessModeBehavior of model information acquisition/search API while context is valid
Product line is supported You can specify whether or not to evaluate the product when acquiring and searching model information in the project you are in.
SpecifiedProductProduct specification
Specifies the product to be evaluated when PlModelAccessMode is SpecifiedProduct.
If null is specified for the product, it will be evaluated as if the 150% model was specified.