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ICustomNavigator interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop.CustomUI


An interface for implementing a custom navigator that is independently extended by an extension.
Next Design exchanges information with custom navigators through this interface.

Affiliation area

Custom UIA group of APIs to access the custom UI.

Inherit Base

ICustomUIDefines properties and methods common to user interfaces that are independently extended by extensions.


SelectedItemSelected element in navigator
If there is no selected element, implement to return null. please.
SelectedItemsEnumeration of selected elements in the navigator
If no elements are selected, returns an empty enumeration Please implement as


OnHideProcessing when hiding this navigator
Next Design uses Call this method.
If there is processing that you want to execute when hidden on the extension side, implement it here.
OnShowProcessing when displaying this navigator
Next Design uses this call the method.
If there is any processing that you want to perform when displaying on the extension side, implement it here.