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IEditPermissionResult interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Result information object when requesting to obtain/release editing privileges.

Affiliation area

Team DevelopmentA group of APIs that provide operations for working with configuration management systems for team development.


EditableUnitsList of units for which edit permissions have been obtained
Units other than the requested unit under project management, and Also includes deleted (integrated) units.
It also includes newly added (split) units that have not been committed to the repository.
FailUnitsList of units for which edit privilege operation failed
Even if the operation API is called for a single unit, the result Information is returned in collections.

You can check from this list which units already have edit privileges by other users when you acquire edit privileges.
Operationrequest content
SuccessUnitsList of units that succeeded in editing permission operation
Even if the operation API is called for a single unit, the result Information is returned in collections.
UneditableUnitsList of units for which edit permission has not been obtained
Including units other than the requested unit under project management will be