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IEditorPage interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Provides access to the editor UI.

Area you belong to

User InterfaceA group of APIs for accessing UI such as editor and navigator.

Inherit Base

IUIElementProvides access to UI elements.


Information pane active page
- "Output" : Output
- "Error" : Error
- " SearchResult" : Search result
ActiveInspectorActive inspector in the inspector pane
- "Property" : Property
- "Relationship" : Relationship
- "ViewDefinition" : Inspector below You can get or set it with .
- Diagram Definitions
- Shape Definitions
- Nodes
- Ports
- Connectors
- Lifelines
- Notes
- Complex fragment
- Message
- Note anchor
- Execution specification
- Discard
- Message end
- Form definition
- Form element
br/> - Text
- Combo box
- Check box
- Rich text
- Model reference control
- Group
- Grid
- List
- Row definition
- Tree grid row
- "Metamodel": Can be obtained or set using the following inspector.
- Packages
- Metamodel
- Classes
- Related classes
- Fields
- Enums
ActiveNavigatorActive navigator in the navigator pane
- "Model" : Model navigator
- "ProductLine" : Product line navigator
- "Scm" : Configuration Management Navigator
- "Project" : Project Navigator
- "Profile" : Profile Navigator
ActivePaletteActive palette in the palette pane
- "Editor" : Toolbox
- "Reference" : Reference
- "Derive" : Input
br/>- "Feature" : Feature Palette
- "ProductSelector" : Product Selector
- "Class" : Class Toolbox
CurrentEditorViewCurrent active editor view
Current active display page in the information window
CurrentModelCurrently selected model (in the model navigator)
CurrentNavigatorCurrently active navigator
Current category of Output in the information pane
IsDiffHighlightVisibleChange difference comparison mode
IsDiffViewVisibleDiff view display state
IsErrorCardVisibleError card display status
IsFeatureMarkVisibleFeature mark display status
IsIndicatorVisibleIndicator display status
Information pane display state
IsInspectorPaneVisibleInspector pane display state
IsNavigatorPaneVisibleNavigator pane display state
IsSubEditorVisibleSub editor display state
IsTraceLineVisibleTrace display status between editors
MainEditorViewMain Editor View
SubEditorModeSubEditor display mode
SubEditorModeNameSub editor display mode name

If SubEditorMode is "Custom", Custom.{ The format is ModelEditorCategory.Id}.


IsMainEditorDetermines whether the specified custom editor is currently displayed in the main editor.
Custom editor initialization process ICustomUI.OnInitialized() cannot be determined correctly during execution and always returns false.
IsSubEditorDetermines whether the specified custom editor is currently displayed in the subeditor.
Custom editor initialization process ICustomUI.OnInitialized() cannot be determined correctly during execution and always returns false.
SetSubEditorMode(string,IModel)Specifies the display mode of the sub editor using string type.
SetSubEditorMode(SubEditorMode,IModel)Specifies the display mode of the sub editor using an enumeration type.
UpdateEditorsRefresh this editor page to the latest version.
Updates both the main editor and sub-editor at the same time.