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IIndentableText interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


A text sequence object.

All methods defined in this interface return the instance itself on which the method is called.
This allows you to chain method calls to form sequences.

Area you belong to

UtilityA group of general-purpose APIs.


AppendLine(string,object[])The specified string, and a newline at the end of this sequence Add to.
AppendLine(string)Appends the specified string, and a newline, to the end of this sequence.
AppendLine1Appends the specified string and a newline to the end of this sequence.
AppendLine2Appends the specified string and a newline to the end of this sequence.
AppendLine3Appends the specified string and a newline to the end of this sequence.
AppendLine4Appends the specified string and a newline to the end of this sequence.
AppendLine5Appends the specified string and a newline to the end of this sequence.
IndentIncrease the indent level.

This method makes no changes to the text sequence, only increases the indentation level.
If you increase the indentation level using this method, an indented string equal to the number of indentation levels will be automatically added to the beginning of the line when you call the AppendLine method.
OutdentDecrease the indent level.

This method makes no changes to the text sequence, only reduces the indentation level.
If you reduce the indentation level using this method, the indented string will be removed by one level when you call the AppendLine method.



var text = {create IIndetableText instance...};
text.AppendLine("{"}.Indent().AppnedLine("first line text.").AppendLine("second line text.").Outdent().AppnedLine("}").ToString();