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IWorkspaceState interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Workspace state management object.

Area you belong to

Workspace ProjectThis is a group of APIs that access the application's work area and the projects open in the application.


ActiveEditorSelectedModelActive editor selection element
ActiveEditorSelectedModelsActive editor selected elements (multiple)
CurrentModelCurrent model in current workspace
DisplayModeDisplay Mode
InspectedObjectElement to be inspected
The element that is currently displayed in the inspector.
If there is no element to display (that is, the inspector tab is not displayed), it will be null.
InspectedObjectsElements to be inspected
Elements that are currently displayed in the inspector .
If there are no elements to display in the inspector, it will be an empty collection.
IWorkspaceState.InspectedObject does not necessarily contain elements that can be retrieved with{get;}.


SetActiveEditorSelectedModelSets the active editor's selected element.
When executed on the main editor, if the display mode of the sub editor is "Detail" mode, the model to be displayed in the sub editor will be switched.
If you specify a model other than the project being edited, nothing will be done and the process will end normally.
SetActiveEditorSelectedModelsSets the active editor's selected elements.
If you specify a model other than the project being edited, it will be excluded from the selected elements.
SetCurrentModelSets the current model in the current workspace.
SetInspectedObjectSets the inspected element.
SetInspectedObjectsSet the elements to be inspected.