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ModelBeforeNewRelationEventParams interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Parameters for the related pre-add event.

Affiliation event area

ModelNotifies creation/update/move/delete and selection of models.

Inherit Base

CancelableEventParamsBase class for cancelable event parameters.
IModelEventParamsCommon parameters for model events.


Fieldtarget field
Indexindex (0 if not a collection)
ModelTarget model
OppositeFieldNew Destination Field
OppositeIndexNew destination index (0 if not a collection)
RelatingToNew Relations


About API specification change and migration method in Ver.1.1

From Ver.1.1, the model that can be obtained with the Model property and RelatingTo property has been changed as follows, and it is now possible to obtain the model that follows the direction of the relationship regardless of user operations on the UI.

| Property | Before | After |
| Model | Model corresponding to the operation starting point on the UI | Model corresponding to the Source side class of the related class |
| RelatingTo | Model corresponding to the operation end point on the UI | Model corresponding to the Target side class of the related class |

If you are using these APIs, please change the corresponding part in the extension along with the version upgrade to Ver.1.1 or later.