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IClass.SuperClasses property

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


the direct superclass of this class
Returns an empty collection if it has no direct superclass.

IClassCollection SuperClasses { get; }


  • IClassCollection


About API specification change and migration method in Ver.1.1

In previous API specs, this property could retrieve all superclasses in an inheritance relationship, including classes inherited by superclasses. From Ver.1.1 onwards, it was changed to get only superclasses that are directly inherited from this class.
(The previous behavior can be replaced with the GetAllSuperClasses() method).
If you are using this API, you need to change the corresponding part in the extension along with the version upgrade to Ver.1.1 or later.

Please refer to the following example and change it.


IClass myClass = ...;
foreach (var superClasse in myClass.SuperClasses)
//do something with the superclass...


IClass myClass = ...;
foreach (var superClasse in myClass.GetAllSuperClasses())
//do something with the superclass...