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IDiagram.AddNodeShape method

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Adds a node shape corresponding to the given model.
However, if the corresponding node shape already exists and is hidden, it will be shown.


modelIModelThe model represented by the node shape to be added
You cannot specify null.
shapeDefIElementDefThe editor element definition of the node shape to add
If null is specified, look up the editor element definition from the specified model's metaclass.
The default is null.

Return value


NameException ClassDescription
Invalid argumentExtensionArgumentExceptionIf null is specified for model
View element definition not foundExtensionInvalidTypeExceptionIf the specified editor element definition is not a shape definition
If the specified editor element definition is not included in the list of editor element definitions for the diagram
Editor element If null is specified in the definition and no shape definition corresponding to the specified model is found
If an editor element definition that does not correspond to the specified model is specified