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IDiff interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Provides comparison operations for model information between arbitrary projects.

Area you belong to

Model difference/comparisonA group of APIs for accessing model comparison operations and difference information.


ComputeModels(IProject,IProject,IEnumerable<IModelUnit>)Specify the model unit to be compared, Extract differences between projects using 2-way comparison.
Models that are not included in the specified model unit will not be extracted even if there are differences.
Also, please load the model unit to be compared in each target and old project in advance.
If you run it when the model unit to be compared is not loaded, unintended addition/deletion differences may be extracted.
ComputeModels(IProject,IProject)Extracts differences between specified projects using 2-way comparison. Masu.
GetComparisonGets the difference information for the specified project.
Gets the results of the previous ComputeModels execution for the specified project.
Compare modelsCompare various model information of NextDesign through API.