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IDiff.ComputeModels(IProject,IProject,IEnumerable<IModelUnit>) method

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Specify the model units to be compared and use 2-way comparison to extract differences between projects.
Models that are not included in the specified model unit will not be extracted even if there are differences.
Also, please load the model units to be compared in each project, target and old, in advance.
If you run it when the model unit to be compared is not loaded, unintended addition/deletion differences may be extracted.


targetIProjectThe project to be compared.
oldIProjectThis is a project that has information older than target to be compared.
targetModelUnitsIEnumerable<IModelUnit>List of model units to be compared. Please specify target or old model unit.

Return value


NameException classDescription
Not SupportedExtensionNotSupportedExceptionIf the current edition of the application does not support