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IEditorElement interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Access object for editor elements.

Area you belong to

EditorA group of APIs to access the editor.

Inherit Base

IRepresentationThis is an access object to representation information.

Derived from

ITreeGridNodeThis is an access object to tree grid node information.
IShapeProvides access to shape information.
IFormElementThis is an access object to form element information.


EditorEditor that holds this element
ElementDefinitionView definition for this editor element
Returns null if the editor element is not associated with a view definition.
ElementOwnerRelationshipGets the relationship between the model to which this element corresponds and the model to which this element's parent element corresponds.
For example, for the following model structure:
Model A
 ┗ (Related A-B)
  ┗Model B
In the diagram editor structure, will be mapped.
IDiagram{ Model=Model A}
┗ NodeShape{ Model=Model B, ElementOwnerRelationship=Relationship A-B}

In addition, the relationship with the model of the parent element Returns null if it cannot be determined.
IsSelectedIs this element selected?
PathField (path) mapped by this editor element
If directly mapped to the model, it will be empty.


GetValueGets the value corresponding to this editor element.
If this editor element corresponds to a field, calling this method is equivalent to this.Model.GetField(this.Path).
If this editor element corresponds to a class, calling this method is equivalent to this.Model.
SetSelectedToggles the selected state of this element.