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API group to access the editor.

API belonging to area

IRepresentationIs an access object to representation information.
IEditorAccess object to editor information.
IEditorElementThe access object to the editor element.
IFormAccess object to form editor information.
If the IEditor's EditorType is "DocumentForm", you can access form-specific information by casting to this interface type.
IFormElementAccess object to form element information.
IShapeProvides access to shape information.
IDiagramAccess object to diagram editor information.
If the EditorType of IEditor is "ERDiagram" or "TreeDiagram", you can access diagram editor-specific information by casting to this interface type.
IGridProvides access to the form's grid.
IGridColumnProvides access to the form's grid columns.
IGridRowProvides access to the form's grid rows.
IGridCellProvides access to cells in a form grid row.
INodeIs an access object to node graphic element information.
IPortAccess object to port entity information.
IConnectorAccess object to connector entity information.
IShapeStyleProvides access to a shape's style information.
ITreeGridAccess object to tree grid information.
If the IEditor's EditorType is "TreeGrid", you can access tree grid specific information by casting to this interface type.
ITreeGridColumnThis is an access object to tree grid column information.
ITreeGridNodeThis is an access object to tree grid node information.
ITreeGridCellProvides access to the cells of a tree grid node.
IConfigurationEditorAccess object to configuration editor information.
ICustomEditorAccess object to custom editor information.
ICustomEditorSettingsCustom editor-specific setting information.
INodeShapeStyleProvides access to node shape style information.