API group to access the editor.
API belonging to area
Name | Description |
IRepresentation | Is an access object to representation information. |
IEditor | Access object to editor information. |
IEditorElement | The access object to the editor element. |
IForm | Access object to form editor information. If the IEditor's EditorType is "DocumentForm", you can access form-specific information by casting to this interface type. |
IFormElement | Access object to form element information. |
IShape | Provides access to shape information. |
IDiagram | Access object to diagram editor information. If the EditorType of IEditor is "ERDiagram" or "TreeDiagram", you can access diagram editor-specific information by casting to this interface type. |
IGrid | Provides access to the form's grid. |
IGridColumn | Provides access to the form's grid columns. |
IGridRow | Provides access to the form's grid rows. |
IGridCell | Provides access to cells in a form grid row. |
INode | Is an access object to node graphic element information. |
IPort | Access object to port entity information. |
IConnector | Access object to connector entity information. |
IShapeStyle | Provides access to a shape's style information. |
ITreeGrid | Access object to tree grid information. If the IEditor's EditorType is "TreeGrid", you can access tree grid specific information by casting to this interface type. |
ITreeGridColumn | This is an access object to tree grid column information. |
ITreeGridNode | This is an access object to tree grid node information. |
ITreeGridCell | Provides access to the cells of a tree grid node. |
IConfigurationEditor | Access object to configuration editor information. |
ICustomEditor | Access object to custom editor information. |
ICustomEditorSettings | Custom editor-specific setting information. |
INodeShapeStyle | Provides access to node shape style information. |