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Document Generation


APIs to access document generation.

API belonging to area

DocumentGenerationOptionsDocument generation options.
DocumentGenerationResultDocument generation result object.
IDocumentWriterThe writer of the document.
IDocumentGeneratorCustomizationInterface for document generation customization entry point.
DocumentGenerationConfigsDocument generation configurations.
DocumentOptionsDocument options.
HtmlOptionsHTML-specific generation options.
WordOptionsWord-specific generation options.
IAfterContentsGenerationParamsParameters after content creation for the document is complete.
IAfterContentWriteParamsParameters after writing content.
IBeforeContentWriteParamsParameters before writing content.
IContentWriteParamsBaseThe base interface for writing document parameters.
IDocumentGenerationParamsBaseParameter object.
IDocumentWriteFinishParamsParameters when the document write finishes.
You can write to a file using IDocumentWriter.
IDocumentWriteStartParamsParameters when starting to write the document.
IGenerationFinishParamsParameters for finishing document generation.
IGenerationStartParamsParameters for starting document generation.
IDocumentContentFactoryFactory for content.
IDocumentModelContent that represents the sentence structure of the document.
IBooleanContentThe boolean content of the document.
IControlContentThe content that represents the UI parts of the document.
IDocumentContentThe content of the document.
IEnumLiteralContentThe content that represents the enumerated value of the document.
IFormControlContentThe content that represents the form elements of the document.
IGroupContentContent that represents a group of documents.
IImageContentThe content that represents the image of the document.
IListContentContent representing a list of documents.
IListItemContentThe content that represents the list element of the document.
IModelReferenceCellContentThe content that represents the model reference cell in the document.
IModelReferenceContentThe content that represents the model reference in the document.
IModelReferenceItemContentContent that represents a model reference element in the document.
IPageContentContent that represents a page of the document.
IProjectContentThe content that represents the project element of the document.
IRichTextCellContentContent representing a rich text cell in the document.
IRichTextContentContent that represents the rich text of the document.
ITableCellContentContent that represents a document cell.
ITableColumnContentContent that represents the column headers of the document.
ITableContentContent representing a table in the document.
ITableRowContentContent that represents a table row in the document.
ITextContentThe content that represents the text of the document.
IValueContentThe content that represents the value of the document.
IViewContentThe content that represents the view of the document.
IViewItemContentThe content that represents an item in the document's view.
IDocumentGenerationInitializationContextDocument generation initialization context.
IHtmlWriterThe Writer for the HTML format of the document.
IWordWriterThe Writer for the Word format of the document.
ICellFormatControls cell formatting.
IFontControls the font.
IListFormatControls the list formatting applied to paragraphs.
IParagraphControls paragraph formatting.
IRowFormatControls the formatting of table rows.