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A set of APIs for accessing profiles.

API belonging to area

IClassThis is an object that represents a component of the metamodel.
IProfileProfile information access object.
IViewDefinitionsThe access object to the view definition management object.
IViewDefinitionThis is the base interface that represents an object that accesses presentation information.
IEditorDefThe access object to the editor definition.
ITagThe access object to the tag.
IElementDefThe access object to the editor element definition.
INamedElementRepresents a nameable element.
IPackageIs an access object to a package.
IFieldThe access object to the field.
IConstraintConstraint access object.
IRelationshipClassIs an access object to the related class.
IMetamodelsMetamodel management objects.
IEnumThe access object to the enum.
IEnumLiteralIs an access object to enum literals.
CustomDefinitionDescriptorBaseType descriptor base for custom definition elements.
The view definition inspector is dynamically configured based on the definition information in this type descriptor.
CustomEditorDefinitionDescriptorCustom editor definition type descriptor
CustomElementDefinitionDescriptorType descriptor for custom editor element definition
PropertyDescriptorProperty Descriptor
PropertyGroupDescriptorProperty Group Descriptor
ICustomEditorDefinitionAccess object to the custom editor definition.
ICustomElementDefinitionAccess object to the custom editor element definition.
IStylePropertyStyle attribute information object.