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IMetamodels.AddPathConstraint(string,string,string,string) method

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Adds a path constraint to the specified field of the specified class.
In addition, the existence of the path corresponding to the path string set here is not checked. This method will succeed even if you specify an incorrect path.


namestringconstraint name
classNamestringClass name for which the constraint is valid
targetFieldNamestringtarget field name for constraint
pathsstringPath string
When specifying multiple paths, separate them with ';' (semicolons).

Return value


NameException ClassDescription
Invalid argumentExtensionArgumentExceptionWhen null/empty character/unusable character is specified for constraint name
Class not foundExtensionTypeNotFoundExceptionIf a class with the specified name was not found
Field not foundExtensionFieldNotFoundExceptionIf a field with the specified name was not found
Profile cannot be editedExtensionEditProfileExceptionIf the profile edit operation fails