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IShape interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Provides access to shape information.

Affiliation area

EditorAPIs to access editors.

Inherit Base

IEditorElementThe access object to the editor element.


INodeIs an access object to node graphic element information.
ISequenceShapeCommon interface for shapes in sequence diagrams.
IConnectorAccess object to connector entity information.


IsVisibleVisibility state of this shape
Changes to the style object retrieved by this property are persisted when the project is saved.
ZOrderZ order
Display order, 0 being the backmost.
However, it returns 0 for sequence diagram element shapes.


BringForwardMoves this entity forward one position in the Z order.
However, the Port, Connector, and Sequence diagram element shapes do nothing.
BringToFrontBrings this entity to the front in the Z-order.
However, the Port, Connector, and Sequence diagram element shapes do nothing.
DeleteDeletes this shape.
However, the shape of a sequence diagram element cannot be deleted.
SendBackwardSends this shape one step back in the Z order.
However, the Port, Connector, and Sequence diagram element shapes do nothing.
SendToBackSends this entity to the back of the Z order.
However, the Port, Connector, and Sequence diagram element shapes do nothing.
SetVisibleToggles visibility of this shape.
SetZOrderSets the Z-order.
However, the Port, Connector, and Sequence diagram element shapes do nothing.