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ITreeGridNode interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


This is an object that accesses node information of a tree grid.

Area you belong to

EditorA group of APIs to access the editor.

Inherit Base

IEditorElementAccess object to the editor element.


CellsCells of this node
ChildrenChild nodes in the tree
The order is the same as the display order of child elements on the UI.
IsExpandedIs this node expanded
ParentParent node of tree


GetCellDisplayValuesGet all cell display strings for this node.
Cells with no value return an empty string.

See GetCellValueString() for the strings that can be retrieved.
GetCellValueGets the value of the cell in the specified column of this node.
Returns null if the cell value does not exist.

The actual type of value you can retrieve depends on the data type of the column.
- bool type: bool value
- numeric type: number
- string type: string
- enumeration type: IEnumLiteral object
- rich text type: plain Text
- Class type (model reference): IModelCollection object (returns a collection even with elements with multiplicity 1)
GetCellValueAtGets the value of the cell at the specified index on this node.
Returns null if the cell value does not exist.

See GetCellValue() for the actual types of values ​​that can be retrieved.
GetCellValueStringGets the value of the cell in the specified column of this node in string format.
Returns an empty string if the cell has no value.

The strings that can be retrieved depend on the data type of the column.
- bool type: "True" or "False"
- numeric type: string representation of a number
- string type: string
- enumeration type: literal string
- Rich text type: Plain text
- Class type (model reference): Model display name (separated by spaces if there are multiple models)

[Model display name ]
The display name of the model will be in the following format, similar to the display on the UI.
{Parent element name}/${Model name}
(Example) Use case/driver
GetCellValueStringAtGets the value of the cell at the specified index on this node in string format.
Returns an empty string if the cell has no value.

See GetCellValueString() for the strings that can be retrieved.
GetSelectedCellsGet the selected cells on this node.
HasCellValueChecks whether a value exists for the cell in the specified column in this node.
Returns True if the cell value exists.
HasCellValueAtChecks if the value of the cell with the specified index exists in this node.
Returns True if the cell value exists.
IsCellSelectedChecks whether the cell in the specified column is selected in this node.
Returns True if the cell is selected.
IsCellSelectedAtChecks whether the cell with the specified index is selected in this node.
Returns True if the cell is selected.


In addition to the underlying constraints, tree grid nodes also do not support the following properties:
・Identifier (Id) Accessing these properties will throw an exception.