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IViewDefinitions.RegisterGetCompartmentItemTextStyleCallback(IElementDef,string,Func<INode, int, string, IModel, IStyleProperty, object>,StyleAttributes) method

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Registers a style value retrieval function for the specified compartment item of the editor element generated from the specified editor element definition by specifying the style attribute.

  • It is recommended to call this when activating the extension.
    ・Style values ​​are obtained in the following order of priority.
  1. Callback function value for style value acquisition
  2. Style values ​​set in the view instance
  3. Style values ​​defined in the view definition
  • The registered callback function is called as follows.
    ・Compartment items are displayed
    ・The field value of the model referenced by the compartment item has been changed


elementDefIElementDefEditor element definition
areaPathstringCompartment partition path
getterFunc<INode, int, string, IModel, IStyleProperty, object>Callback function for style value acquisition

Callback function specification
object object get_ItemTextStyleFunction (INode node, int areaIndex, string areaPath, IModel itemModel, IStyleProperty target)

- Arguments
- node: INode ...The shape that owns the compartment item to which the style is applied is passed.
- areaIndex : int ...The area index to which the compartment item to which the style is applied belongs is passed.
- areaPath : string ...It is set to the partition definition to which the compartment item to which the style is applied belongs. The path string (field name) that is specified is passed
- itemModel: IModel ...The model referenced by the compartment item to which the style is applied is passed
- target: IStyleProperty ...Target Style attribute information is passed
- Return value
- object ... Returns an object to treat as the result of Get
- Callback function returns the type of the specified target style attribute. It must be a matching object
- If you return an object that does not match the type, it will not be an exception and will be automatically converted to the value of IStyleProperty.CurrentValue
- Handling of exceptions
- If the callback function implementation throws an exception, it will be caught and the value of IStyleProperty.CurrentValue will be used as the result of invoking the callback
propertiesStyleAttributesStyle attributes
(If multiple style attribute names are specified, callbacks are registered for each)

Return value

  • void


NameException classDescription
Duplicate keyExtensionDuplicationExceptionIf the callback registration key is duplicated