IParagraph interface
Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop.DocumentGenerator.Word
Control paragraph formatting.
Affiliation area
Name | Description |
Document Generation | APIs to access document generation. |
Name | Description |
Alignment | Gets or sets the paragraph text alignment. |
CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent | Gets or sets the first line or hanging indent value in characters. Use positive values to set the first line indent and negative values to set the hanging indent. |
CharacterUnitLeftIndent | Gets or sets the paragraph left indent (number of characters). |
FirstLineIndent | Gets or sets the first line or hanging indent value in points. Use positive values to set the first line indent and negative values to set the hanging indent. |
HangingPunctuation | Gets or sets whether punctuation is enabled in the current paragraph. |
IsHeading | Gets whether the paragraph style is one of the built-in heading styles. |
IsListItem | Gets whether the paragraph is a bulleted or numbered list item. |
KeepTogether | Gets or sets whether to keep all lines within a paragraph on the same page. |
KeepWithNext | Gets or sets whether the paragraph should remain on the same page as subsequent paragraphs. |
LeftIndent | Gets or sets the paragraph left indent in points. |
LineSpacing | Gets or sets the paragraph line spacing in points. |
LineUnitAfter | Gets or sets the amount of spacing (grid lines) after a paragraph. |
LineUnitBefore | Gets or sets the amount of spacing (grid lines) before a paragraph. |
NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle | Gets or sets whether SpaceBefore and SpaceAfter should be ignored between paragraphs of the same style. |
OutlineLevel | Gets or sets the outline level of paragraphs in the document. |
PageBreakBefore | Gets or sets whether a page break occurs before a paragraph. |
RightIndent | Gets or sets the paragraph right indent in points. |
SpaceAfter | Gets or sets the amount of space after a paragraph, in points. |
SpaceAfterAuto | Gets or sets whether the amount of space after a paragraph is automatically set. |
SpaceBefore | Gets or sets the amount of space before a paragraph, in points. |
StyleName | Gets or sets the name of the paragraph style. |
SuppressLineNumbers | Gets or sets whether lines in the current paragraph should be excluded from line numbers applied in the parent section . |
WordWrap | Gets or sets whether Latin text is word-wrapped. If set to false, allows mid-word latin text to wrap at the current paragraph. |
Name | Description |
ClearFormatting | Resets to default paragraph formatting. |
RestoreAlignment | Restores paragraph text alignment. |
SetBodyStyleByOutlineLevel | Sets body style according to outline level. |
SetHeadingStyleByOutlineLevel | Sets heading style according to outline level. |