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ITracePage interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Provides access to the trace UI.

Affiliation area

TraceA set of APIs to access trace information.

Inherit Base

IUIElementProvides access to UI elements.


CurrentViewCurrently displayed trace view
CurrentViewTypeCurrent view type
ExcludedModelsList of models excluded from tracing
SelectedNodesSelected nodes in the current trace view
The collection of selected elements is in arbitrary order.
TraceViewsTrace View List


AddExcludedModelAdds new trace excluded model information.
This method does not check for the existence of a model with the given identifier.
AddTraceViewCreates a new trace view with lanes rooted at the specified model and sets it as the current trace view. Masu.
ClearAllSelectionDeselects all selected nodes in all lanes.
If the view type is Matrix, the cells are also deselected.
ClearSelectionDeselects all selected nodes in the specified lane.
Nothing is done if the specified lane does not exist in the currently displayed trace view.
DeleteExcludedModelDeletes the specified trace excluded model information.
SelectCellIf the type of view you are viewing is Matrix, selects the specified cell.
Nothing will be done if the node specified in row and column does not exist in each lane.
Also, nodes on lanes are not selected.

If the type of view being displayed is Tree, nothing will be done.
SelectNodeSelects the specified node.
If the currently displayed trace view does not have a lane to which the specified node belongs, nothing will be done.

If there is already a selected node in the currently displayed trace view, it will behave as follows.
- All nodes selected in a different lane than the specified node will be deselected
- Nodes selected in the same lane as the specified node will remain selected
SelectNodeByModelSelects the nodes corresponding to all the specified models in the specified lane.
If the view type is Matrix, you can select the node corresponding to the row or column model by specifying the lane corresponding to the row or column.
If the specified lane does not exist in the currently displayed trace view, or if the specified lane does not have a node corresponding to the specified model, nothing will be done.

In addition, when the node to be selected can be determined, if there is already a selected node in the currently displayed trace view, the operation will be as follows.
- All nodes selected in a different lane than the specified node will be deselected
- Nodes selected in the same lane as the specified node will remain selected
SelectNodeByModelsSelects the nodes corresponding to the given model in the given lane.
If the view type is Matrix, you can select the node corresponding to the row or column model by specifying the lane corresponding to the row or column.
Nothing is done if the specified lane does not exist in the currently displayed trace view.
In addition, if the node corresponding to the specified model does not exist in the specified lane, the specification of the model will be ignored. If there are no nodes that can be selected as a result, nothing is done.

In addition, when the node to be selected can be determined, if there is already a selected node in the currently displayed trace view, the operation will be as follows.
- All nodes selected in a different lane than the specified node will be deselected
- Nodes selected in the same lane as the specified node will remain selected
UpdateUpdates the current trace view.
Tracing information is not synchronized in real-time with changes in the model's tracing relationships. If there is a change in the model's tracing relationship, this method can be used to bring it up to date.