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ITracePage.SelectNodeByModels method

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Selects the node corresponding to the specified model in the specified lane.
If the view type is Matrix, you can select nodes that correspond to a row or column model by specifying the lane that corresponds to the row or column.
If the specified lane does not exist in the currently displayed trace view, nothing will be done.
Also, if there is no node corresponding to the specified model in the specified lane, the specification of that model will be ignored. If there are no nodes that can be selected as a result, nothing will be done.

If the node to be selected has been determined and there is already a selected node in the currently displayed trace view, the following operation will occur.

  • All nodes selected in lanes different from the specified node will be deselected
  • Nodes selected in the same lane as the specified node will remain selected


laneITraceLaneLane containing the selected node
modelsIEnumerable<IModel>Enumerate models corresponding to selected nodes

Return value

  • void


NameException classDescription
Invalid argumentExtensionArgumentExceptionIf null is specified for lane