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IWordWriter interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop.DocumentGenerator.Word


A Writer for the Word format of the document.

Affiliation area

Document GenerationAPIs to access document generation.

Inherit Base

IDocumentWriterThe writer of the document.


CellFormatGets the current cell format.
CurrentSectionIndexGets the index of the current section.
FontGets the current font.
ListFormatGets the current list format.
ParagraphGets the current paragraph format.
RowFormatGets the current table row format.


CreateTableStart writing the table.
EndRowEnds writing the table row.
EndTableFinish writing the table.
InsertDocumentImports another Word document.
InsertFieldAdds a field.
InsertPageBreakInserts a page break.
InsertParagraphBreakAdds a paragraph.
InsertSectionBreakNewPageInserts a section break.
InsertVerticalSpaceInserts vertical space.
MoveToDocumentEndMove to the end of the document.
MoveToFooterMove to footer.
MoveToHeaderMove to header.
MoveToSectionMoves a section.
RemoveSectionRemove the current section.
SetPageDirectionSets the page orientation.
UpdateFieldsUpdates all fields.
WriteCellWrites the cell.
WriteHtmlWrites HTML.
WriteImageWrites the image.
WriteLineWrites a string containing line breaks.
WriteTextWrites a string without newlines.