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Get all fields of an enumeration

You can get fields of a specific type from the list of fields. The following is an example of getting type information for an enumeration field in a model.

public void OutputEnumFields(ICommandContext c, ICommandParams p)
//Get all fields of the metaclass of the currently displayed model
var fields = c.App.Workspace.CurrentModel.Metaclass.Fields.Values;

foreach (var field in fields)
//Exclude fields that start with $, as they are system fields
if (field.Name.StartsWith("$")) continue;

//Exclude fields that are not enumerations
var enumType = field.TypeEnum;
if (enumType == null) continue;

//Output the display name of the enumeration
c.App.Output.WriteLine("sample", $"Enumeration name: {enumType.DisplayName}");

When you get fields using the API, you can also get system-defined fields at the same time. Fields defined by the system follow the following rules, so exclude them if you do not need them.

  • The name (IField.Name) is prefixed with "$"
  • The name (IField.Name) is prefixed with "___"