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Write text to the output

To write text to the output tab of the info pane, use the WriteLine method of the IOutput object.

public void WriteLine(ICommandContext c, ICommandParams p) 
//Write to the output and activate the output tab in the info pane
//The first argument is the category, the second argument is the output text
c.App.Output.WriteLine("sample", "message here");

//Activate the output tab
c.App.Window.IsInformationPaneVisible = true; //Show the information pane
c.App.Window.ActiveInfoWindow = "Output"; //Activate the output tab
c.App.Window.CurrentOutputCategory = "sample"; //Select a category

To specify the format for output, use the WriteFormatLine method.

public void WriteFormatLine(ICommandContext c, ICommandParams p) 
var model = c.App.Workspace.CurrentModel;

//The first argument is the category, the second argument is the format of the output text, and the third argument is the format parameters.
c.App.Output.WriteFormatLine("sample", "Current model Model name: {0} Metaclass: {1}", new []{model.Name, model.Metaclass.DisplayName});