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IClass Interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


An object that represents a component of a metamodel.

Belonging Area

ProfileA group of APIs to access profiles.

Inherit Base

INamedElementRepresents a nameable element.

Derived from

IRelationshipClassAccess object to related classes.


DeclaredFieldsGets the specific fields of this class.
If there are no specific fields, returns an empty collection.
You can get all the fields that this class can handle.
FullNameFully qualified name
By changing the value, you can move the package and change the class name.
However, if the package to move to does not exist, an exception will be thrown.
IsAbstractIs an abstract class?
Change the value to move the package, but it cannot be null.
SuperClassesDirect superclasses of this class
Returns an empty collection if there are no direct superclasses.


AddSuperClassAdds the specified class to the superclasses of this class.
If the specified class is already a superclass of this class, nothing happens.
AddSuperClassesAdds the specified classes to the superclasses of this class.
Any classes that are already superclasses of this class will be skipped.
AsChecks whether the specified model is an instance compatible with this class.
Returns true if the metaclass of the specified model matches this class or a subclass of this class.
GetAllSubClassesGets all classes that derive from this class.
Returns an empty collection if there are no derived classes.
GetAllSuperClassesGets all superclasses of this class.
Returns an empty collection if there are no superclasses.
GetConstraintByNameGets the constraint with the specified name defined in this class.
If there are multiple constraints with the same name, returns the first constraint found.
GetConstraintsGets the constraints defined in this class.
GetConstraintsByFieldGets the constraints for the specified field defined in this class.
GetConstraintsByTargetGets the constraints for the elements that are subject to the specified constraint defined in this class.
GetEmbeddedFieldsOfGets the owned fields of this class for the specified type.
This method cannot retrieve primitive and enumeration type fields.
Use GetFieldsByType() to get primitive and enum fields by data type.
GetFieldGets the field of this class with the specified name.
Returns null if the field with the specified name is undefined.
GetFieldsGets the fields of this class.
Fields are ordered by the field definition order of the metaclass.
GetFieldsByTagGets the fields of this class with the specified tag.
If the tag value is unspecified, it is evaluated only by the presence or absence of the tag.
GetFieldsByTypeGets the fields of this class with the specified type name.
Class type fields can be obtained by specifying the fully qualified name of the class.
Enumeration fields can be obtained by specifying the fully qualified name of the enumeration.
GetFieldsOfGets the fields of this class of the specified type.
This method cannot get primitive and enum fields.
If you want to get primitive and enum fields by data type, use GetFieldsByType().
GetReferenceFieldsOfGets the reference fields of this class of the specified type.
GetSubClassesGets the direct descendants of this class.
Returns an empty collection if there are no direct descendants.
IsChecks if the specified model is an instance of this class.
Returns true if the metaclass of the specified model matches this class.
IsClassOfChecks if the specified class is compatible with this class.
Returns true if the specified class matches or is a subclass of this class.
IsSuperClassChecks if this class is a superclass of the specified class.
Returns true if the specified class is a superclass of this class.