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IScmManager.CheckoutProject method

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Checkout the project at the specified project path (path of the remote repository) to the specified workspace.


projectPathstringproject path (remote repository path)
workDirstringLocal work area (checkout destination) folder path
settingIScmRepositorySettingConfiguration Management Connection Settings
autoLoadboolWhether to automatically load the project after checkout and set it as the current project
- If true is specified, the current current project will be forcibly closed, discarding the editing state. (default behavior).
- If false is specified, only the project will be checked out and not loaded.

Return value


NameException ClassDescription
Invalid argumentExtensionArgumentExceptionIf the checkout destination folder does not exist
If an invalid parameter is specified
- Specify true for autoLoad and save unsupported by NextDesign running in projectPath Specify a project path of the form
Configuration management repository operation failedExtensionScmExceptionWhen the checkout destination folder is a project folder linked to configuration management
When configuration management repository operation fails