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IScmManager.UpdateProject method

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Updates the specified project to the latest state in the configuration management repository.
If the specified project is not linked with the configuration management system, nothing will be done.


unitsIEnumerable<IModelUnit>Units to update
If null is specified, the entire project will be updated (default behavior).
autoReloadboolDo you want to automatically reload the project after updating?
- If true is specified, the project will be reloaded (default behavior).
- If you specify false, only the project in the working folder will be updated and the project will not be reloaded.

If the specified project is not the current project, the autoReload specification will be ignored.
silentboolIf true is specified, the progress will not be displayed in the progress bar.
Default value is false.

Return value

  • void


NameException classDescription
Invalid argumentExtensionArgumentExceptionIf a unit outside of project management is specified as the unit to be updated
Configuration management repository operation failsExtensionScmExceptionIf configuration management repository operation fails