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IWorkspace.OpenDiff method

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Displays the difference comparison from the specified difference comparison information.


comparisonIModelComparisonComparison processing unit information.
titleBeforestringThe title of the diff view. If omitted, it will be "Before".
titleAfterstringThe title of the current view when displaying the diff. If omitted, it will be "After".
tooltipBeforestringThe tooltip text for the title of the diff view. If omitted, it will be the same as titleBefore.
tooltipAfterstringThe tooltip text for the title of the current view when displaying the diff. If omitted, it will be the same as titleAfter.

Return value

  • void


NameException ClassDescription
UnsupportedExtensionNotSupportedExceptionIf the current edition of the application does not support it
Invalid argumentExtensionArgumentExceptionWhen AfterProject of comparison is set to something other than the current project