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IWorkspace.SaveProject method

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Save the specified project.
If no project is specified, the current project currently open in the application will be saved.
Returns True if the save was successful.
If this method is used in a situation such as file access rights cannot be obtained or there is not enough free space, the project will not be saved and this method will return False.

The project save destination is a path that can be obtained with IProject.Path.
Therefore, this method cannot be executed for a project that has never been saved after being newly created.
Use SaveProjectAs() when saving a new project.



If null is specified, saves the current project that the application is currently open.
(does nothing and returns False if there is no current project)
forceOverwriteboolForce overwrite save?

If true is specified, the project is forcibly saved even if the latest model file is not loaded.
The default value is false.

Return value

  • bool


NameException ClassDescription
Illegal operationExtensionInvalidOperationExceptionIf the save destination is not determined in the project to be saved (Path is not specified)
If the latest model file has not been read


The save format cannot be changed when saving the specified project.
If you want to save in another save format, use SaveProjectAs() .