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Loading a partial project file

When opening a project, loading all the divided model units may take some time depending on the size of the model units. Therefore, when opening a project, you can specify an option not to load model units. Also, if you need design information for a model unit, you can specify and load the model unit.

Loading only the project file

To load only the project file without loading the model units, specify true for the excludeModelFiles option of the OpenProject method of the IWorkspace object.

public void OpenProject(ICommandContext c, ICommandParams p)
//Select a project file
var filePath = c.App.Window.UI.ShowOpenFileDialog("Please select a project file.", "Project file|*.iproj;*.nproj");
if (filePath == null) return "Cancelled.";

//Open a project file without loading model units
c.App.Workspace.OpenProject(filePath, excludeModelFiles: true);

Load additional model files

You can load additional model units that were not loaded when opening a project. This is called additional loading. Additional loading is done using the LoadModelUnits method of the IWorkspace object.

public void LoadModelUnits(ICommandContext c, ICommandParams p)
//Get the model units in the current project that are not yet loaded.
IProjectUnitManager unitManager = c.App.Workspace.CurrentProject.UnitManager;
var notLoadedUnits = unitManager.ModelUnits.Where(unit => !unit.Loaded).ToList();
//Load the model units that are not yet loaded into the current project.
IWorkspace workspace = c.App.Workspace;
workspace.LoadModelUnits(c.App.Workspace.CurrentProject, notLoadedUnits);