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Save a project

To save a project, use the IWorkspace object's method. The IWorkspace object can be obtained by using the Workspace property of the IApplication object.

Save overwriting

To save a project, use the SaveProject method of the IWorkspace object.

public void SaveProject(ICommandContext c, ICommandParams p)
//Save the current project

Save as

To save as, specify the file name with the SaveProjectAs method of the IWorkspace object. Also, for UI interaction, you can display a dialog by using the ShowSaveFileDialog method of the ICommonUI object.

protected void SaveProjectAs(ICommandContext c, ICommandParams p)
//Select the project file to save
var newProjectFilePath = c.App.Window.UI.ShowSaveFileDialog("Save the project with a name", "Project file|*.iproj;*.nproj");
if (newProjectFilePath == null)
//Exit if canceled


Please note that when you use the IWorkspace.SaveProjectAs method, the split model files will be merged into one.