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IModel.GetProductApplyCondition method

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Get the product application conditional expression for this model.

The product application conditional expression is a logical expression that treats the "feature name variable" as a boolean type variable.
In the configuration, if the feature is in the selected state, the corresponding "feature name variable" will be evaluated as true.
The "feature name variable" is described by enclosing the feature name or feature unique name with "[" and "]".
Also, in the product application conditional expression, you can use the following logical operators and "(",")" to specify the calculation order.

  • AND : Logical product
  • OR : logical sum
  • NOT : Negation

For example:
・The following product application conditional expression is a conditional expression that is evaluated as true when the feature name "following" or "front camera" is selected in the configuration.
[Following] OR [Front camera]

・The following product application conditional expression is evaluated as true when "constant speed" is not selected for the feature name and "millimeter wave radar" is selected in the configuration.
NOT [constant speed] AND [millimeter wave radar]

Return value

  • string