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IModel.Validate(ValidationOptions) method

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Validate this model.
Validate only this model or recursively validate all elements under this model and child elements owned by this model by specifying options.
This method clears all previous error information when executed.

[When executing this method for a project (IProject)]
・If there is an unloaded model file in the project, error information to that effect is added to the model that is the base point of the design model (the model displayed at the root of the model navigator). This is to inform the caller that all models in the project have not been validated due to unloaded model files.
・Includes models that cannot be reached due to project ownership (parent models that have not been loaded) due to unloaded model files in the project.

[Verification details]
・Optionally enabled application-defined standard validation

  • If the option to issue an event during model validation is specified, validation extended by the validation event of the extension


optionsValidationOptionsValidation options.

Return value

  • void