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IModel.SetRichTextFieldCustomData method

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Sets a value in a custom format for the specified rich text field.

Custom formatted values are not displayed on the UI. It can be obtained and set only with the API.


fieldNamestringField name
You cannot specify null or an empty string.
valuestringThe custom data value
If null, deletes the data in the specified format.
formatstringCustom format name
Case insensitive.

Return value

  • void


NameException ClassDescription
Argument invalidExtensionArgumentExceptionIf null or an empty string is specified for fieldName
If null or an empty string is specified for format
When null is specified for value, the specified format does not exist. if not
Field not foundExtensionFieldNotFoundExceptionIf the specified field is not found in this instance's metaclass
Does not match field typeExtensionInvalidTypeExceptionIf the data type of the specified field is not RichText
Illegal operationExtensionInvalidOperationExceptionIf the model itself is a deleted model or a temporary proxy
If a field that cannot be operated is specified for the field name
- Product line feature assignment field
- System.Core Tagged Field