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Model display order in Model Navigator

In Model Navigator, the display order of each class of models in the same hierarchy is the same as the order in which the fields are defined.
Therefore, you need to define fields taking into consideration the display order in Model Navigator.

For example, if a field that owns a "Function" class and an "Internal Data" class is defined in the "Component" class,
The display order of the owned models is determined by the definition order of these owned fields.

When fields are defined in the order of "Function" and "Internal Data"

  • When defined in the same way as the class diagram mentioned above

When fields are defined as above, the models in the "Function" field and the "Internal Data" field are displayed in the Navigator in that order.

When fields are defined in the order of "Internal Data" and "Functions"

When fields are defined as above, the models in the "Internal Data" field are displayed in the navigator in the order of the models in the "Functions" field.